COVID-19: The challenges and opportunities for Canadian interoperability and open government

As we engage our networks, including provincial and federal governments, to understand the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a range of data issues are coming to light that have repercussions on Canadian open government practices, namely: coordination, standardization, and communication of data. This is also Canada’s opportunity to assert leadership globally and to demonstrate the application of open government in support of its crisis response.

Coordination and Standardization of Data

​Coordination and standardization of data has long been a challenge in Canada, particularly with its federated form of government and its multiple levels of jurisdiction. Ways to address these issues include:

  • A central online repository that presents a single interface to data could help improve data accessibility
  • Further integration of Canadian national and provincial reporting practices

Communicating the Data

Making data open and accessible is but one part of the job. Explaining the data is another.

The Federal Government is providing some basic analysis of the pandemic in Canada, but gives little room to draw deeper insights. While it does provide analysis related to certain demographics, the federal government website does not break it down by province. A series of written analyses, rather than a single webpage or dashboard with charts, can help communicate the data more clearly to viewers.

OpenNorth works with a wide range of innovative and connected public administrations and community stakeholders to build their efficient, ethical, and collaborative use of data and technology to solve complex problems. Contact us today to learn more.

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