Webinar Roundup


Experiencias Canadienses en Apropiación de Datos (Canadian Experiences in Data Appropriation)

As part of #OpenDataDay we participated in an online discussion on open data appropriation in Colombia with Somos MasLatin American Open Data Initiative and the Ministerio de Tecnologias de la Informacion y las Comunicaciones. The discussion centered on the following 5 core questions:

  1. What leads to the adoption of data standards?
  2. How can we collaborate in a sustainable way with stakeholders and data users?
  3. Can data principles be implemented?
  4. What are the ethical considerations of opening data?
  5. How can multiple stakeholders effectively share data?

Download the slides to our presentation (English, or Spanish), or watch the presentations and tune into the discussion here.

Community Impact with Open Data

We partnered with our colleagues at the Sunlight Foundation and discussed how to effect community impact with open data, sharing best practices and lessons learned from our experiences working with cities. Through our development of the DIY Open Data Toolkit and our cluster model approach, which posits problem framing as the key to effective engagement around data, change in cities is a community effort. However daunting, city staff need to incorporate resident feedback in their data-driven work and support residents in their own use of open data. We discussed how city staff can recognize fears around data and its use by the public, understand the powerful potential of public participation in data-driven problems solving, and nurture that potential to create a robust, enduring open data program.

Download the slides to our presentation here, or tune into the discussion here.

Making Cities Open by Default

The Open Government Office of Ontario invited us to share findings from its latest report on Making Cities Open by Default: Lessons from open data pioneers and discuss with Denis Carr how City of Toronto worked with OpenNorth in using the Open Data Charter to frame the development of recently launched Toronto’s Open Data Master Plan.

The report identified a series of key themes:

  1. There are strong incentives for cities to open up their data, and the Charter can help them to do this
  2. If “open by default” is applied to a city’s broader data management systems it can allow better internal data sharing, as well as improving access to information for citizens
  3. Opening data does not automatically create a data literate public
  4. Open data impact requires interjurisdictional cooperation
  5. Policy and standard development is not keeping up with the pace of change
  6. Jurisdictions cannot be ‘open by default’ without open procurement

This webinar was a pre-event for the Open Government Day event on March 26th organized by the Open Government Office of Ontario. Check out the agenda, and join in-person or via the live stream.

Download the slides to our presentation here.